Balancing Grid and Activity Balancing Grid
Balancing Grid
The Balancing Grid displays the profiles and organization units for staffing and includes a daily breakdown by coverage period of the staffing levels.
Activity Balancing Grid
The Activity Balancing Grid is populated by the Core Staffing by Activity Code feature and displays a daily breakdown of needs by activity code and profile.
Regardless of whether you use the Core Staffing by Activity Code feature, the Activity Balancing Grid tab appears on the Schedule screen.
Both Grids
Click a column header to re-sort the information by that column. Press <CTRL> and click column headers to sort by multiple columns.
The Group Headers can be selected to group staffing needs by profile, organization unit, coverage period (for the Balancing Grid) or activity (for the Activity Balancing Grid), or no grouping. You can collapse or expand each group header. This allows the user to focus on certain groups.
The Date Headers display the day of the week and the date for each day in the open schedule. If the date is a holiday, the holiday name replaces the day of week.
The grid cells show a breakdown by day of the staffing values. The user can select whether to display these values as Coverage, Need, Variance or a Fraction of coverage and need.
The Staffing Details screen can be viewed by double-clicking on a cell in the balancing grid. The view shows the employees who are providing coverage for selected cell.
With the My Totals - Creating Custom Totals feature, users can create customized subtotals of staffing values at the bottom of the balancing grid. These totals can be for any combination of profiles, organization units, and coverage periods (for the Balancing Grid) or activities (for the Activity Balancing Grid).
Activity Balancing Grid - Empty Row Explanation
There is a situation you may notice that requires an explanation. You may see that a row appears in the Activity Balancing Grid when there are no scheduled activities that match the Activity Code. This is because the process that determines what to show in the grid looks 4 days prior and 2 days after the open schedule period that you are viewing. And if that process finds an activity, it allows the row to appear on the currently open schedule period. This is to accommodate activities with time lengths that may overlap the open schedule period. Therefore, the appearance of the row is simply a way for you to realize that there are activities near the open schedule period whose begin or end times may overlap.
Understand that an activity scheduled outside of the open schedule period that causes the row to appear may or may not be counting toward coverage totals, depending on whether the activity is set up to count toward coverage totals and whether its length actually overlaps the open schedule period. These scenarios are described in the following table.
Scenario |
Empty row appears in the open schedule period? |
Counts toward coverage totals in the open schedule period? |
Activity occurs within 4 days prior or 2 days after the open schedule period |
Y |
Depends on the following scenarios |
Activity counts toward coverage totals and overlaps schedule period |
Y |
Y |
Activity counts toward coverage totals and does not overlap schedule period |
Y |
N |
Activity does not count toward coverage totals and overlaps schedule period |
N |
N |
Activity does not count toward coverage totals and does not overlap schedule period |
N |
N |
Example: The open schedule period January 1 through January 14. In that time period, there are no 1500-8 activities scheduled. However, the 1500-8 row does appear in the Activity Balancing Grid (with zeroes appearing for the entire period).
The 1500-8 row appears because the process looked back 4 days and found a 1500-8 activity scheduled on December 30.