
After creating the Retro Calculator job, you need to add employees to the job. These are the employees whose data in past pay periods needs to be corrected.

To add employees to the Retro Calculator job, click the Add button in the left pane. You can search by Last Name, First Name, and/or employee Code. You can also search using other parameters by clicking the Advanced button. Select all the applicable employees and click a plus symbol.

When an employee is added, their data is automatically transferred from the historical database and a previous pay period calculation request is submitted, and they appear in the job's list.

Click to open the employee's TCS (Time Card Screen). From there, you can work with the employee's transactions, as needed. Then under Employee Sections, you can click the Retro Jobs button to continue with the employee's Retro Calculator job without having to return to the full Retro Calculator screen.

Note that an employee can only be in one retro job at a time. If they are already in a retro job and you click Set Retro Mode, a message informs you that the employee is already in a retro job.

Actions buttons

Depending on the authorization roles assigned to you, you may not see all the buttons described here.

Retro Job columns