Calculation Rule Hierarchy

The Calculation Rule Hierarchy screen is where the processing rules are selected and the priority is set for the order of processing.

This screen is only visible on the organization structure level where the Calculations Hierarchy is set. To determine which structure level the Calculation Rule Hierarchy is set, view the Organization Link Levels screen under Configuration > Organization Unit.

To add calculation rules to this organization unit, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Available Calculation Rules section, point to the selected rule with the cursor.

  2. Drag the entry to the Assigned Calculations Rules section.

  3. Position the cursor to point to the hierarchy position in the list where this rule is to be processed.

  4. Release the mouse button.

  5. Set the Is Active field to Yes to indicate this is an active rule.

  6. Enter any text regarding the rule or the placement in the Comment field.

  7. Save the record.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:





The following additional section options are available in the left pane:




Device Assignments

Schedule Partners

Sign Off Agreements

Pay Code UDF Categories

Productivity Coverage Sets


The short, alphanumeric code identifying this Calculation Rule.


Free-form text field for entering any comments regarding the related Calculation Rule or its hierarchy.


Label describing the Calculation Rule.


Determines whether this calculation rule is active and should be processed for this organization unit (Yes/No).