Sign Off Agreements


For a full explanation of configuring and using the Employee Sign Off feature, see Employee Sign Off. Information includes who can use the feature, customizing how the feature works, sign-off agreements, and when sign-off is removed.

The Sign Off Agreements screen is where the message is defined which displays when an employee signs off on their time card. The labels of the approval button and the denial button are also set up here.

This agreement can be used to denote extra accountability when the employee approves the time card, for example to verify the information as it relates to a Grant.

If this feature is activated, when an employee clicks on the Employee Sign Off button in the employee record, a message box displays the text entered in the Message Text field. The employee then has the option to select one of two buttons.

If this feature is not activated, when an employee clicks on the Employee Sign Off button, the sign off is accepted without the message box being displayed.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:

Approval Button


Denial Button


Effective Date

Expiration Date

Message Text

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:




Calculation Rule Hierarchy

Device Assignments

Schedule Partners

Pay Code UDF Categories

Productivity Coverage Sets

Approval Button

The button that indicates the employee IS approving his/her time card information. The value entered here displays on the button, such as Accept, Approve, or Agree.


The short, alphanumeric value that identifies this sign off agreement record.

Denial Button

The button that indicates the employee is not approving the time card information. The value entered here displays on the button, such as Deny, Cancel, or Disagree.


The label describing this sign off agreement record.

Effective Date

The date when the employee sign off agreement becomes effective.

Expiration Date

The date when the employee sign off agreement is no longer in effect, if applicable.

Message Text

The message that displays in the information box when the employee selects the Employee Sign Off button.

Special formatting, such as bold, italics, or bulleted lists, is available to configure the message; formatting counts toward the maximum characters allowed in this field.


Note the following restrictions when adding message text:

  • You can paste text into the Message Text field when adding a new sign off agreement; however, unsupported formatting will be removed, leaving only the basic text. For example, underlined, colored, and hyperlinked text would be reduced to basic text. But you can create a hyperlink after the text is pasted.

  • You cannot paste images into the Message Text field.

  • You cannot use angle brackets, such as <text>, in the text.

  • Tabbing or using multiple spaces in a row will get removed so that only a single space occurs between words and sentences. If you need to separate words by more than one space, use an alternate approach, such as multiple underscores or dashes. However, you can hit Enter multiple times to create vertical spacing.