
The General button displays the basic information on the Organization Unit, including the code, number, description, and status.

The organization unit levels higher than the current level are displayed above the record you are viewing. Click the link of any of the higher organization units to be redirected to that unit's record. Note that the original record and the redirected record are now part of the organization unit navigator so that you can move back and forth between them.


When adding a new organization unit, only enter parent organization unit information for the structure levels above the new level. For example, if you are adding a new level 5 organization unit, configure organization unit levels 1-4 only. The system automatically assigns the new organization unit to level 5.


Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:





Organization Level Code

Organization Unit

Time Zone

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:



Calculation Rule Hierarchy

Device Assignments

Schedule Partners

Sign Off Agreements

Pay Code UDF Categories

Productivity Coverage Sets


Indicates whether this organization unit is currently being used by the system and can be assigned (Yes/No).

Organization Units that are no longer valid but have been previously assigned cannot be deleted from the system. This is to maintain historical integrity of data. An Organization Unit can be deactivated by setting this value to No, so it can no longer be assigned.


The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation for the organization unit. The value used for the search can be the code for any structure level in the organization.


The label describing the organization unit.


The numeric value identifying this organization unit. This value is required for organization units existing at the Trunk, Branch, and Leaf levels, since it can be used with input devices requiring numeric values such as the badge reader.

Organization Level Code

The structural level this organization unit is assigned to. This value is automatically assigned when a new organization unit is entered. The options available and the labels of the structure levels are determined by the corporate configuration.

Organization Unit

When using the Single search, enter the organization unit levels up to and including the one being searched for. When using the Advanced search or when adding a new organization unit, only enter parent organization unit information for the structure levels above the new level.

For example, if you are adding a new level 5 organization unit, configure organization unit levels 1-4 only. The system automatically assigns the new organization unit to level 5.

Time Zone

The time zone the organization unit is located in. This field is not available at all structure levels.