
The Roles button opens a listing of the authorization roles that are assigned to the organization unit. Roles determine which actions, screens, and fields the user can access, and the level of control they have, such as Read, Edit, Create, or Delete, over the elements they can access.

Employees with this organization unit as their primary home labor distribution inherit these roles. Access to inherited roles can be denied for an individual employee, or for a specific organization unit and its children. For more information, see Steps for Denying an Inherited Organization Unit Role.

The following sections are available when you configure a role:


Assign one or more previously defined system authorization roles to the employees in this organization unit, or to deny them access to a role inherited from a higher level organization unit.

Data Access

Assign the information that the employees in this organization unit are authorized to access, such as Organization Unit Access, Employee Access, Pay Code Access, Special Code Access, or Override Access.


Certain authorization roles assigned to employees count toward application licenses. For more information, see System Licensing.

For more information on setting up roles see Steps for Adding an Organization Unit Role. For information on resolving issues regarding roles, see Troubleshooting Role Assignments.

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:



Calculation Rule Hierarchy

Device Assignments

Schedule Partners

Sign Off Agreements

Pay Code UDF Categories

Productivity Coverage Sets

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane for adding or deleting related records: