Employee LaborView

The Employee LaborView page allows the user to select or create filters to display when viewing employee time cards. These options are available in the Choose a LaborView drop down menu when accessing time cards through Actions > Approval > Employee LaborView.


The following Action options are available in the left pane:


Use the Add button to add a new LaborView record. This new record is than available in the "Choose a LaborView" section in Actions > Approval > Employee LaborView.

Click on the Publish button to make the new LaborView accessible to other users.

For more information, see Steps for Adding a New Employee LaborView Record.

Delete Selected

The Delete Selected button is used to delete specific LaborView records. Select one or more records by clicking in the box to the left of the LaborView Name and select the Delete Selected button in the Actions section.


Standard LaborView actions should not be deleted or changed but can be replicated and adapted as necessary.


The Publish button allows a user to share a customized LaborView with other users. Check the box to the left of the selected record and click on the Publish button. This option now displays in the LaborView list of all users, and can be selected. A check mark appears in the Is Published column to indicate this LaborView has been shared.

For more information, see Steps for Publishing an Employee LaborView Record.


The Replicate button copies an existing LaborView so a user can customize it without affecting the original record.


Standard LaborView records cannot be opened or viewed. To view the details of a standard LaborView, check the box to the left of the record and click on the Replicate button. This opens a new record with the same attributes as the original. After viewing the information, click on the Employee LaborViews button in the left pane or the Back button in the web tool bar to escape without saving the record.

For more information, see Steps for Replicating an Employee LaborView Record.

Revert Sort Order

The Revert Sort Order button changes the sorting order of the records back to the sequence they were in before the numbers were changed. This button must be selected before the Set Sort Order button. Once the Set Sort Order button is selected, the new order is already saved and cannot be reverted. (You can manually change back the sort order.)

Set Default

The Set Default button is used to set one LaborView as the default to display when the Actions Employee LaborView is displayed.

Select the default LaborView by clicking in the box to the left of the LaborView Name and selecting the Set Default button. A check mark appears in the Is Default column in the screen. The default view can be changed at any time from this screen.

Set Sort Order

To change the order of display for the LaborView list, select the appropriate number in the Sort Order box for each LaborView. LaborView records with a higher sort order value will be automatically adjusted to display in the next available sort order.

To save the sort order changes, click on the Set Sort Order button in the Actions section.

Toggle Visibility

Use the Toggle Visibility button to alternately display and hide the selected LaborViews in the Choose a LaborView listing.

  1. To set this option click the box to the left of the LaborView name. Clicking on the box alternately adds and removes the selection check mark.

  2. Select the Toggle Visibility button in the left pane.

    • When a check mark displays under the Visible column this view option is selected to appear in the drop down menu.

    • When a check mark does not display under the Visible column, this option will not display in the menu.

  3. Selecting the button alternately adds and removes the check mark.

The following related topics are available:

Selecting Employee LaborView Options

Creating a New LaborView Item

Adding a New Employee LaborView Record

Steps for Publishing an Employee LaborView Record

Steps for Replicating an Employee LaborView Record